May 2013
Tek Recon AR App
Dane Aleksander—graphic artist in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
We developed and app for Tech 4 Kids and the Tek Recon series of toy guns that are specifically designed to hold and interact with an iPhone. The Tek Recon app features networking and scoring systems, plus branded heads-up-displays and camera vision modes. The animation team was tasked with an app cinematic to visually connect the product and the AR experience. The cinematic appears at launch as a transition into the main menu screen of the app. I produced the visual effects for the cinematic. [1]
TEK Recon App cinematic: visual effects pass (2012) © Current Studios
Tek Recon App cinematic (2012) © Current Studios
Credits: San Jose Mathew (Director), Dane Aleksander (Visual Effect Artist), Jon Eisner (Modeler, Compositor) and Eric LeClerc (Audio Engineer)
Tek Recon App preview (2012) © Current Studios
1 Tek Recon Advanced Battle on Apple App Store. App Store Link