August 2018

SIGGRAPH 2015-2018

—graphic artist in Halifax, Canada.

This article is third in a series, following SIGGRAPH 2013: Art-direction and SIGGRAPH 2014: Parallization. A thread through those articles was an introduction to the stylization of painterly characters for animation. In 2013, Pierre Bénard presented Stylizing Animation by Example, which offered a practical solution for maintaining the stylistic continuity of animated, painterly characters. In 2014, Disney Research came forward with Authoring and Animating Painterly Characters, which presented research and development of paint-over tools for painterly character animation with smooth, controllable results. At SIGGRAPH 2016 in Anaheim and SIGGRAPH 2017 in Los Angeles, a series of technical papers published by Santiago Montesdeoca, Hock Soon Seah and others primarily from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, have furthered the field of non-photorealistic rendering. This article looks at the latest research and development of painterly stylization for animation and follows that thread into the motion pictures industry.

Stylization for Animation

Article in review.